When I awaken the ship is still creaking, groaning an rolling. The skies are producing a steady rain. The pools are empty except for 5 or 6 hardy souls that realize the rain will get them no more wet than the hot tubs. The pools remain open but empty as the water sloshes about quite vigorously, potentially an invitation to be slammed into the edge of the pool. A few deck chairs under cover are occupied, but otherwise nearly everyone is finding refuge indoors.
We are moving at a mere 15 knots, soon a mid sized container ship overtakes us. Probably bound for California
I listen to the excursion presentation for our upcoming Mexican ports, an interview with the executive chef, and a presentation on many of the upcoming repositioning cruises. One actually caught my attention. I have to check the medical schedule first to see if I should even consider it.
Trying to always be one to learn new things, I learn about a virus that is threatening the world wide crop of banannas. So far no luck in stopping the deady disease, the only hope being a resistant GMO breed that is yet to be developed. As the disease is currently spreading, banannas will probably be extinct in 15 to 25 years. Before then expect the price to rise exponentially. Yes the crops in Costa Rica, Guatamela and all other countries are already being affected.
The violinist is doing a matinee show today, billed as not being a repeat of his show several days ago. I pass and use the time to write this.
Just for the cruious, the rain jacketed life guard stands at his post at the edge of the empty pool.
Entertainment tonight is another comedian, not my favorite entertainment, but he is good.
The rain continues all day, but the seas gradually subside. The creaking and rolling subsides by bedtime.