August 14, 2024

Aug 13 - North Sea

Today is a sea day as we head south towards Hamburg, Germany. The seas calm as we get further south. The weather is mixed - rain, thunderstorms, partly cloudy, fog, and almost some sun at various times during the day.

A presentation on the evidence supporting the existance of dark matter is presented in laymen's terms, but sparsley attended.

Today we get to see a presentation in the planetarium. There is no description, but we have 3:00 PM reservations. Seating is limited to about 150 or so for the reclining seats directly under the dome.

I must say probably the biggest disappointment in weeks. Not a "planetarium" presentation at all, but 30 minutes of loud nondescript music with crude computer generated graphics projected onto the planetarium dome analogous to what you would see in a $5 kids kalidescope.

After the show I was in an elevator with an English couple that were softly and discretly discussing how bad the show was with the expectation that I could not hear them. I couldn't resist saying "yes, it was terrible". They both laughed and said out loud "it was horrible".

We change for dinner and head to The Lion Pub as usual. Sometimes I just have a club soda or diet coke. Other nights I may have a gin and club soda.  Tonight it will be gin. A double to be more precise.

We have all experienced having a beverage spilled on us. Once on The Amsterdam I had a waitress spill a full glass of red wine on me while having dinner with the officers. Red wine in my hair and all of my clothing including my socks. Yes Holland dry cleaned my suit and everything else.

I seldom drink red wine, maybe this is why.

Our regular waiter  places our large glasses on the table. I pick mine up to take take a sip. Suddenly I am drenched as if someone threw a bucket of water on me. What happened? Did a waiter trip? Did a fire sprinkler activate? No. The bottom om my glass fell off just as I was ready to take a sip.

12 ounces of gin, club soda, and ice and I was soaked. The staff was dismayed as much as I was.

Fortunately a dripping walk back to the cabin is all it takes to get cleaned up with all fresh clothes including dry shoes. Returning to the pub I find a dry chair and a new beverage awaiting my arrival. Obviously the glass was broken, but was waiting to separate at the most opportune moment.

Was an offer made to have my clothes cleaned? Was a verbal apology offered? No! Nothing except the waiter saying he has never seen that happen before.

Probably I was charged for the replacement drink, but I wont know that for a few days.

We still make it to the dining room on time. Peking duck is my best choice. Despite getting our order in promptly, service is quite slow tonight. I guess it is just not my day.

Entertainment tonight is two brothers from Scotland that sing and play guitar and accordian. Very good. Most interesting when they speak, their accent is quite heavy, but when they sing songs by american artists they exhibit no accent because they had learned the material by listening to the original artist.

The worst of the cold I acquired a few days ago is behind me. But as to be expected Lynn's is getting worse.

Tommorrow we arrive in Hamburg. The weather forecast is for extreme heat and sunny all day. We do not have a tour, but plan to take the shuttle into the center of town. We have a Lego request from my son inlaw.

Aug 12 Bergen, Norway

Bergen is one of the largest ports in Europe. It is also the wetest city in Europe with rain 240 days a year on average. Fortunately I don't always go with average, and today the weather in Bergen is absolutely fabulous. Bright sun, 70 degrees with a light breeze. The nicest day they have had in Bergen in weeks.

The port is very busy with container ships and ferry boats docked right next to us.  There are 3 cruise ships in port, I think the only port in Norway that can accomodate more than 1 ship at a time.

Our tour today is a short city tour followed by a gondola ride to the top of a mountain for a view of the city and harbor.  Again we have many German passengers on the wrong bus, but today they are in luck. Our tour guide, from Italy, speaks german as well. After asking permission of the english speaking guests, she also does her thing in german.

Like everywhere else in Norway, the city is very clean. Despite tourists from three cruise ships, nothing is crowded. The views are spectacular, the included pastry delicious.

The ship is pretty empty when we return so we decide to do a little laundry. In the process a mising pair of sock is found in the laundry room.

One of the things I have learned about the dining room is that if we show up about 3 minutes early, we are the first served and the dinner process is much more prompt. Since Lynn has preordered her dinner, and I rarely have any more than the main entree, ordering quickly is easy, and appreciated by the waiter.

Tonights show is another production show by the singers and dancers. Being a formal night, everyone is properly dressed. If your not, you can't go to the dining room and many of the venues. So far, the singers and dancers have put on 2 shows each week without repeating a show. I'll be interested to see what happens during the passage to Southampton and New York.

Shortly after we return to the ship, the engines stop and all power shuts down unexpectedly. No panic, no announcements. After about 10 minutes the bridge acknowledges there has been a failure, and the crew is looking into it.  Within 15 minutes power is restored. No further explanation.

A server later tells  us that this is really a very common occurance on this ship.  Maybe the Queen is showing her age more than we realize. The only previous time I had experienced a total power failure on a ship is when it was done deliberately to test the backup systems. Are there backup systems here? I don't know.

Our evening routine has become very predictable. Dress for the evening, pre dinner cocktail in The Lion Pub, dinner, main show in the theater, Jazz set in the chart room.

The seas are moderate in the North Sea. Tomorrow will be  a sea day.