The captain has decided to continue to operate on ship's time despite the fact we have crossed two time zones. Much easier for him and the crew, but dangerous for passengers that rely on a cell phone for the time.
We arrive before 7 local time, but ships time is two hours later.
Roatan is a very small port, but is in the process of enlarging the land area, I assume for more shops.
If you are not taking an excursion there is little reason to get off the ship here, I don't.
My sore throat is lingering, but not getting worse. We forgo the dining room for the Windjammer. It is obvious why there are so many empty tables in the dining rooms. The Windjammer is very busy.
The theater is only 70% full for the singers and dancers production show.
Two passengers are paged several times as we are ready to leave Roatan. An indication that the captains clock plan caught someone that didn't make it back to the ship on time.
As we leave on our course for Cozumel, the wind and seas have picked up to about 3 or 4 feet, just enough that occasionally you can feel a very slight motion to the ship.