Yesterday was Halloween. A number of passengers do an exceptional job with costumes.
I only mention this today, the day after Halloween, as decorations in the Windjammer did not appear until this morning. Mostly carved pumpkins, which probably were brought on board in San Pedro, but didn't make it thru provisioning and the "carving crew" until today.
The weather is good with a cloud cover but no rain. Temperatures are much more reasonable in the mid 80's instead of the 90's of last week.
We arrive at our scheduled time of 11:00. The Norwegian Bliss, a much larger ship is already anchored in the harbor. We anchor further away from the dock than last week.
Tendering starts about 11:30. The process is very slow, being hindered by the long run and the fact only 4 tenders (lifeboats) are being used.
I get my tender ticket. #12. By 1:45 they are tendering groups 5 and 6. 2 hours elapsed and less than one quarter of the 22 groups have boarded tenders. Many passengers like me change plans and remain on the ship. I care less, but many are frustrated.
With passengers getting ashore so late there is going to be a problem getting all the passengers back to the ship by 5:15, the scheduled time of the last tender.
I give my tickets to a family with children that are anxious to go ashore. 12 is better than ticket 21 they are holding.
We get underway about an hour or hour and a half late. Like it or not extra fuel will be used if the captain plans to arrive in Puerto Vallarta on time tomorrow morning.
Dinner in the Windjammer is a good decision so far. Tonight is Italian night.
I catch the second show in the theater. An act billed as Music vs. Magic. Ok, but I wouldn't book a cruise just to see them.
There is minimal pitch and roll as we cruise South East along the Mexican coast towards our next port.