January 25, 2025

Day 8 - St Croix

We arrive in St Croix mid morning. Our stay here is short, with departure scheduled for 4:30.

As often is the case, I elect to spend the day on the ship. Probably a wise decision as showers pass over every hour or so. Not a heavy rain, but enough to make you wet if you can't find shelter.

The others walk to a bar and restaurant they have visited in the past, and stop at the animal shelter to see the dogs available for adoption.  The shelter is actually quite successful with cruise ship passengers, sending several rescue dogs to the US every day cruise ships are in port. I get it, dog lovers that have been at sea for a week miss their pets and have a weak spot to adopt another.

I have been reading articles and watching videos to learn more about my most recent hobby expansion. I have ordered a 3D printer that I expect to arrive a few days after my return to Florida. I have resisted this for years but decided it is now or never. When I no longer can or want to use it, I have four grand children that will be tickled to have it.

I skip the dining room tonight so I can catch the early headliner show and the big band ballroom dancing set.

Dinner was a hot dog and fries, not something I have very often. Both were delicious and hot.

The head waiter was very upset that we were not with the others for dinner. 

Alyssa had ordered Mac N Cheese. The head waiter seeing this insisted she also have a Chop's Tenderloin  steak, usually a $20 upcharge. It was shared by several and was reported to be good.

The headliner show was excellent. I guess the description should be super fit aerial and acrobatic performers. I have seen them before and am nothing but awed by their strength and physical fitness.

The big band ballroom dance set was also excellent. Some dancers were very good, there were a few others that were not so good, but were having a very good time.

This is our last port of call before returning to Miami in two days early Sunday morning. The next two days will be sea days. Seas are expected to be 5 feet or less.