January 29, 2025

Days 9 and 10 Sea Days

We are cruising at about 15 or 16 knots. The Seas are as predicted, about 5 feet for the most part. Occasionally a larger wave hits the hull and you can feel a shudder throughout the ship, but more pronounced in random locations depending on the harmonics of the ship structure.

The Diamond lounge has become the go to for breakfast. Others tell me it is the best coffee on the ship. Since I never drink it I wouldn't know. The pastries are always fresh and "Birdie" does an excellent job of keeping everything stocked.

I don't know his real name, but his nickname comes from the fact he is always making the sounds of birds.

About noon the captain informs us of a slight change in plans. Because of a medical emergency we are running at full power towards Miami. We will arrive Saturday evening instead of Sunday morning. Our speed is now between 21 and 22 knots, and the stabilizers are not being used. This is as fast as this ship can go.

Of course there are no details as to what the emergency is, and likewise there is lots of speculation as to why this is the chosen course of action. We are expecting to be docked by 10 PM Saturday evening, but of course no passengers will be allowed off the ship until the regular scheduled time Sunday Morning.

There are a few showers and it is a little chilly for many, so the pool is not crowded, but the Diamond lounge remains nearly full all day.

Friday night I again choose to go to the Windjammer for dinner. This then allows me to listen to a set at the piano in the Schooner bar, and also catch the late evening production show with the Singers and Dancers.

Kirk, from Norway, has an excellent voice, he is good, but I will still say Kelly Goodrich is a better entertainer.

This was probably the best of the three production shows. "Wild Cool and Swinging" consisted of a number of songs tied to various U.S. cities.

Overnight the temperatures dip into the 60's. The skies are mostly cloudy and there is an occasional shower.

Cuba is visible off the port side of the ship.

No update from the captain other than we are still scheduled to be at the dock by 9:30 PM.

Saturday the weather is about the same. Low 70's, mostly cloudy.

By dinner we are approaching the channel leading into the port of Miami. We are headed to terminal G, quite a ways into the harbor. 

The air is crystal clear and all the city lights sparkle. Actually one of the nearest harbor approaches I have seen in years.  The captains do everything they can to avoid close quarter navigation in the dark. Tonight he has no choice.

Sleeping while docked is strange. No sounds, no motion. I might as well be at home.

I assume the passenger transfer was accomplished without incident. The ship is expected to be cleared by 7:00 AM.