January 24, 2025

Day 7 Castries, St Lucia

The seven others have booked a private tour for today. We are docked early, and the gangway is down by 7:30. They meet at 7:45, headed to their van for the day. I remain on the ship.

Snorkeling at the beach was better than the dives of a few days ago. Lots of fish, some lobster, and some unidentified sea life.

A tour inside a volcano was a hit. The alternative was a mud bath, everyone felt they made the right choice.

Lunch at a local restaurant was good. Everyone was happy with the tour.

Always a concern with a private tour, they were brought back to the ship with 30 minutes to spare.

I have tried to avoid writing about bad or strange behavior observed while cruising, but this morning there was an incident that shocked me.

I was sitting in the Diamond lounge. There were many other guests enjoying coffee. A man asked if he could sit in one of the 3 empty chairs around me. I told him sure and continued what I was doing.  About 15 or 30 minutes later his wife came in and they immediately started arguing. "Where have you been?" "Looking for you." "Did you bring my water bottle?" Or something similar. The argument escalated. She turns to leave and he gets up and lands a hard punch on her.

Needless to say I was shocked and unresponsive. They were out the door in seconds. I must add, they both were probably in their 60's. Not exactly out of control teenagers.

Again the lounge is very busy. The staff is checking cards and denying entrance as appropriate. The result of a loyalty program that has become much more successful than ever imagined.

Another attempt at the main dining room. Caribbean spiced chicken was good and actually served warm.

Tomorrow we stop at St Croix.

St John's, Antigua

The Seas remain about 5 to 7 feet. Just enough that you know you are on the water, but not enough motion to bother even the most sensitive.

Again today the temperature peaks just above 80.

No one has specific plans. Lynn and I get off and take a leisurely stroll along the waterfront. There are 5 ships here, I would expect the shops and bars are doing well, but I make no contribution to the local economy.

I have been good with my PT. I started just 2 weeks before the cruise, and currently have a routine of about half dozen exercises to strengthen my back. I usually do them first thing before the day starts. So far so good. I am optimistic for the long term results.

As has become the normal routine, we gather in the Crown Lounge before dinner. Another area of the ship that needs refreshing. Many of the chair cushions are worn out if not totally broken. The bar service works just fine though.

Food is not hot in the MDR again. The head waiter was standing beside me as I was given a bowl of dried out, room temperature, fettuccine alfredo. It was so cold and congealed that an attempt to remove a few strands resulted in the entire glob being lifted from the bowl.

She took my plate and returned it ten minutes later. The plate was definitely hot, the fettuccine only so so. My guess, she put the dish on a hot plate and made no attempt at a hot serving of food.

In another botched attempt to appease us, she brought Lynn 2 more entrees and an unordered dessert. Nothing more than wasted food.

I suspect it will be the buffet for us for much of the remainder of the cruise.

A production show is the last activity for us for the evening.

Tomorrow we will be in Castries, St Lucia.