September 22, 2024

Sept 20, 21 Sea Days

The next two days are more of the same. Temperatures slowly rise as we travel further south. Occassionally the sun breaks thru for a few minutes. The pools remain empty and covered with safety nets. There are no outside functons.  The pool bar remains empty.

In Greenland we took on a few thousand pounds of fresh fish, a special addition to the menu. The consensus is that it was OK but nothing special.

Not the same with lobster served on the last formal night. Lynn has mine and reports they were perfectly prepared.

This afternoon the QM2 passed us on her way to New York. A small world as we were on her a month ago. She was probably cruising at double our speed.

The last day is packing in the afternoon. Just need to remember to leave out whatever is needed the last night.

Turkey for dinner. For some reason the service was terribly slow. The last entertaiment is a comedian, better than many.

I have the beginnings of a cold. Unfortunately it doesn't surprie me as many passengers we coughing in the theater several nights ago. The alarm is set for 6:00.

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